First Try: Mad King Thorn – Cider

Using the Pumpkin Apple Hard Cider from Greens and Machines as a guide, I started a new batch of cider I’m hoping to call Mad King Thorn, a reference to the Halloween character in the Guild Wars games.

During my lunch break, I boiled:
  • 4 – 15oz cans Essential Everyday Pumpkin Puree
  • 4 tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup loose dark brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 cup loose light brown sugar
  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 gallon Essential Everyday apple juice

It was brought to a boil for 5 minutes with the lid on to kill off any contaminants, then left to cool (with the lid on) for 5 hours. After I got home from work, I stirred the boiled mixture with a sanitized rubber spatula, and poured it directly onto the yeast cake from the Mapple Syder Frankencider (White Labs WLP720) along with 4 more gallons of Essential Everyday apple juice. There was about a half-gallon of the previous cider left on the cake along with the 5 cinnamon sticks. I’m assuming that the cinnamon sticks have lost most of their flavor from the initial cider, and won’t have any effect on this one.

Perfect fermentation temperature for a cider (63.5°F)

It’s very cloudy from the pumpkin and spices, but had an initial gravity of 1.060, and smells like the perfect mixture of apple and pumpkin pie. It’s fermenting on the workshop half of my basement alongside a standard cider which I also started tonight.

Hopefully this will be ready in time for Halloween!

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