I’m rushing things a bit to have this ready for this weekend, but I took the first sample of my pale ale this evening. I only sampled one of the buckets, and I made sure to give everything a good spray of sanitizer before cracking the lid and sneaking out around 6 oz to check the gravity and sip on. The gravity is currently sitting at 1.010, which puts this at around 79% attenuation and an ABV of 5.3%.
Tasting Notes:
And now for the most important part of all: how does it taste? In all honestly, young. It has a slight hop aroma and a good hop flavor that’s not too overpowering or bitter, but overall there’s a roasty, yeasty flavor that I’ve noticed with most of my lighter brews when they’re still a little young. Most of it tends to dissipate after a couple of weeks, but the taste doesn’t seem to match up with any of the common off-flavors I’ve seen described in young beers, so I’m not sure what it’s from.
I’m on the fence about serving this one this weekend. It’s definitely young, and although it has another 6 days before the event, I’m not sure that will be enough time to smooth out. I do think, however, that I will end up giving this a dry hop. For a pale ale, its hop flavor and aroma are relatively mild.
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