Check out that Dunkelweizen

Tonight was a quick status check on the Dunkelweizen, just measuring the gravity and giving it a quick taste test for an upcoming bachelor party.

The Dunkelweizen measured up at a specific gravity of about 1.013. That puts it at only around 70.4% attenuation and 4.3% ABV, which is a bit lower than expected. There’s a chance this beer is still fermenting and that could change, but my intuition is that it’s not going to change too much more.

Taste-wise, it’s not as malty as I was expecting, although that probably has more to do with the fact that I mistook a Bavarian Dunkel and a Dunkelweizen to be the same thing. Turns out a Bavarian Dunkel is a much darker, maltier beer with a sweeter taste. The Dunkelweizen is an amber colored wheat with banana and clove flavors from the yeast.

My Dunkelweizen is definitely a copper to amber colored wheat, although I’m not sure the clove and banana came through very much. It has a very muddled flavor right now, probably because of how young it is. I taste some spice, although I don’t feel as though it resembles clove. I don’t detect any banana at all, but there is a noticeable citrus or perhaps sour edge to it. It will be interesting to see how it evolves as this beer ages over the next few weeks.

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